Win Free Tickets to the Big Summer Home Building & Remodeling Show
It’s easy to enter to win your way in.

BIA-Hawaii’s Big Summer Home Building & Remodeling Show is just around the corner, and Hawaii Home + Remodeling has your tickets!
Are you dreaming of upgrading your home? Maybe a new kitchen, bathroom or even a whole-home remodel? Or are you interested in learning about the latest products and materials on the market? Tell us what upgrades you’d make to your home, if money were no object, and you could win a four-pack of tickets to the home show. Simply comment on our Facebook post:
Or our post on Instagram.
We’ll notify the winners next week!
Pick up a copy of the August issue of Hawaii Home + Remodeling for the official guide to the home show and a coupon for $2 off the cost of general admission, or, download it from our Facebook page.
While you’re at the home show, be sure to stop by Hawaii Home + Remodeling’s booth and enter to win two pieces of furniture from either of City Mill’s most popular collections.
BIA-Hawaii Big Summer Home Building & Remodeling Show
Neal S. Blaisdell Exhibition Hall, 777 Ward Ave., Honolulu
Friday, Aug. 10: 5 – 9 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 11: 9:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 12: 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.