Up your home’s visual appeal with artwork
Dress up your home with artwork to instantly add color.

Artwork in the home is like the perfect wardrobe accessory. It can either complement the look of your room or it can boldly become the main focal point of interest. Either way, let it reveal your personal style. Whether it’s a painting or a photograph, you can easily spruce up your dwelling or reset the look of your room simply by swapping out the artwork every now and then—all without the fuss of shifting furniture around or committing to a new paint color.

Photo: Aaron Yoshino
Make art
Local artist Danielle Groff has monthly painting classes at Pictures Plus stores.
Print It!
INspiration Interiors has an extensive collection of images and art you can get printed on canvas or acrylic.

Photo: Aaron Yoshino
Did You Know?
Red Knot has a constantly changing art collection, so be sure to stop by to see the latest.

Photo: Aaron Yoshino

Photo courtesy: INspiration Interiors

Photo: Aaron Yoshino