The Ohana Issue

Welcome to our March 2024 edition!
Hawaii Home + Remodeling Ohana Issue
Photo: Courtesy of Shaolin Low

Ease, comfort, warmth, rest — “home” means many things. This edition of Hawaii Home + Remodeling explores myriad ways the concept of ohana, or family, shapes our residences, home and building industries, and communities. In the following pages, you’ll find pragmatic ideas, inspirational projects and local resources. Here, a room by interior designer Shaolin Low helps to illustrate a story about curating spaces by age and life’s stages. Read more from our Ohana Issue here.


Editor’s Note: This article has been slightly modified from the original print version for optimal online reading. To view the full print story, pick up your copy of Hawaii Home + Remodeling at one of our partner locations.

Categories: Family, From Our Magazine, Interior Design