Smart Accessories for Every Space in Your Home.
Architecture organization’s new executive vice president hopes to strengthen partnerships, especially with students.
With routine upkeep, your home will remain in tip-top shape.
Celebrating Smaller Spaces and the ADU: Micro Home Movement Makes Its Way to Hawaii
Townhouse kitchen is smartly redesigned with eco-friendly features.
Pacific Heights home remodel is designed around natural ventilation and a stunning view.
Home evolves to meet family's changing needs.
The ideal pool caters to all the senses, delighting homeowners in and out of the water.
Keep life running smoothly and everything in its place with these storage and organization ideas.
A pool adds new life to this Kaneohe Bay home.
On the upside, this home's landscape gets a fresh start.
Fall in love with this traditional kitchen, which has all the accoutrements a couple needs.
Personality and style collide and compete in one of the smallest spaces to live in: a college dorm room.
Designers share their color tips for shaping your space.
Geobunga offers eco-friendly packaging.
My house is going to look like it belongs in Hawaii Home + Remodeling.
Find the inspiration to turn your house into your dream home.
Who says you need a lot of square footage to be happy? These small spaces under 1,600 square feet prove otherwise.
Materials that will make your Hawaii pool or outdoor space unique.