BIA Hawaii
Everything you need to know about BIA-Hawaii’s big home show in Honolulu this August.
One lucky winner will get to choose pieces from City Mill’s two most popular furniture collections.
With so many out there, how do you make the best decision to suit your situation?
Have an outstanding design or detail you’d like to showcase?
Join us this weekend at the Neal S. Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall.
Invest in your home-improvement project with a trusted professional.
Quick recap and photos from the weekend-long event.
Events, deals and giveaways that we’re buzzing about.
An insider’s look at what we’re buzzing about.
Plus, get a coupon for admission.
Something for everyone from keiki to kupuna.
Designing and remodeling for multiple ohanas under one roof.
Sprinklers for new homes could cost more than $40,000.
Resolve to improve your home in 2017.
Design with your pets in mind.
What's Trending in America's Kitchens
Diamond Head Home Gets Thoughtful Makeover
Old and charming Manoa home receives a facelift.
Big Island home gets a much-needed makeover.
2016 BIA Renaissance Editor's Choice Award, Runner Up