Radar: Garden Variety

Everything you need to build a fascinating yard is at Kiso Store in Waipahu.
Photo: Aaron Yoshino

From building your yard to placing the final  decorative touches, you’ll want to stop by Kiso Store in Waipahu. This locally owned family-run shop has been a veteran supplier of rock, concrete and landscaping materials for more than 70 years. It’s a simple setup with friendly workers offering a variety of products. Check out the assortment of plant pots, as well as ornamental critters and statues—some of which are crafted and painted in-house. Here’s a glimpse at some of the decorative pieces Kiso Store offers.


1. Dragon in Green, $68. 

2. Bunny, $5.

3. Eagle, $9.

4. Samurai Warrior, $209. 

5. Japanese Seat, $279. 

6. Small Flamingo, $21.

7. Large Duck, $10; Small Duck, $5.

Categories: Gardening, Outdoor Furniture