No Time to Waste with These Local Eco Products

Eco-friendly home and beauty items from Protea Zero Waste.
Photo: Aaron K. Yoshino

If 2021 is the year for going green, welcome Protea Zero Waste. The new Kailua shop stocks its chic shelves with eco-friendly home and beauty products and features a refillable bar boasting everything from house and glass cleaners to pet shampoo by the ounce. Here are some of our favorite finds.

Clockwise from top: Marley’s Monsters Washable Duster, $32; Huskee Coffee Cup, $22; Marley’s Monsters Unpaper Towels, $16 for set of six; Hemp Dish Scrubby in yellow, $10; Eco Coconut Scourer, $8 for two; Marley’s Monsters Drawstring Bowl and Plate Covers, $12-$16 each; No Tox Life Vegan Dish Block, $30; Bamboo Soap Shelf, $8; Eco Soap Dishes, $12 each. Protea Zero Waste; 35 Kainehe St., Kailua, Oahu; 744-0184;

Categories: Shopping, Sustainability