Hawaii Home + Remodeling - January 2017
If your desk is disorganized and you cannot lie, we’ve got just the trick.
Details International at Na Lama Kukui designs custom kitchens complete with cutting-edge storage features.
Design Trends Construction creates a custom kitchen for a couple’s 25th wedding anniversary.
An architect’s vision for a simple, elegant penthouse kitchen is made possible by Details International’s custom design.
2017 Color of the Year has an ambiance all its own.
Poorly done landscaping project is redone to create a grotto getaway.
Ideas you'll want to save for your next home project.
Your home's power station.
Make improvements to your home that you can afford and enjoy.
Hawaii’s exotic fruit tree truly meant for your yard.
Pacific American Lumber offers Eurotech pedestal systems.
With routine upkeep, your home can stay in tip-top shape.
If your goal for 2017 is to get organized, we’re here to help.