How to Stay on Top of Your Roofing Maintenance

Brennan Leong of Kapili Roofing & Painting shares his expert advice.
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Photo: Aaron K. Yoshino

Heavy rains and winds can do severe damage to the roof of your home. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared and check in on its current condition. Brennan Leong of Kapili Roofing & Painting shares his advice to help you stay on top of all your roofing needs.

Check its condition.

“The main thing would be to make sure the condition of the overall roofing material is still in good condition,” says Leong. Consider having your roof safely assessed by a roofing professional, who can identify possible risks. “Kapili Roofing & Painting can offer free roofing assessments and estimates. We perform roof scopes of nearly all types and can advise a homeowner on what the best course of action is for their home,” he adds.

If problems are just emerging, then …

“If your roofing material is just beginning to age, you should look into what options you have moving forward,” says Leong. “An aging roofing system does not mean it will immediately fail, but severe weather may accelerate the process.” According to Leong, you should also have a qualified professional clean out gutters and valleys of debris.

… and when to consider a new roof altogether.

Leong shares that you should consider getting a new roof when: the roofing membrane is near or past its intended service life, the cost of a temporary fix exceeds what you feel comfortable spending, or when deficiencies are larger than a smaller repair job can handle.

Categories: Cleaning, Digital Exclusive, Expert Advice, Home Improvement