Editor’s Notes: October 2018

Daydreaming of efficient appliances with innovative technology.
HHR-10-18-Featured-Image-Editors Notes
Photo: Courtesy Servco Home and Appliance Distribution

I recently discovered my latest wish-list item for the home.

The condo I live in is designed to be space-efficient. My washer and dryer are stacked and concealed behind a closet door. It’s a wonderful design, if only the appliances were as efficient on energy as they are on space.

            When I run the washer, it’s super loud. I’m not sure how many decibels, but it’s enough that I need to crank up the volume on the television to hear over the splashing of the tub and grinding of the gears. I live alone, yet it seems I’m doing laundry more often than I should. For example, I can wash only one king-size sheet at a time — fitted or flat, plus a couple of pillow cases — not the full set all at once.

            I prefer to line-dry most clothing on the lanai, but throw towels and sheets into the dryer. It vents into the condo, so I shut off the A/C, slide open the lanai door and open all the windows in an effort to keep my home cool and ventilated. Alas, it stays pretty hot.

            So, when I discovered washer-dryer systems that have the capacity of full-size machines, and are ventless, I moved it directly to the top of my wish list. Full-size capacity would cut down on my time spent doing laundry, and a ventless dryer would keep my home from heating up. Plus, they’re a lot quieter than older washer and dryer models.

            When planning your kitchen, bath, laundry room or whole-home renovation, talk with your designer about the latest appliances on the market. Technology advances so quickly — and has come a long way in making our home lives more efficient and enjoyable. Check out our “Smart Appliances for a Clever Kitchen” story; it includes a sampling of innovative appliances, including a stackable washer and dryer system like the one I am now daydreaming of.










Stephanie Silverstein, Editor



Categories: Appliances, Industry Insider