Bold, Beautiful and Breezy

Taking risks with your home design choices can pay off in big ways, says a local interior designer.
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Photos: Jenn Ellenburg; Stacy Zarin Goldberg

You could say that Honolulu native Breeze Giannasio doesn’t shy away from bold decisions. After working for a decade as a private equity lawyer, with degrees from Wellesley College and Harvard Law, the Punahou alum decided to earn a master’s degree in interior architecture. That pivot has certainly paid off: her eye for beauty and function has propelled her namesake interior design firm to HGTV recognition. We chatted with Breeze to get her insights on “going bold” to create a home that makes a statement.

“In general, my philosophy is for my clients to live well and live fully,” says Giannasio. “It’s always a cause for celebration when someone reaches out with the intention of honoring their evolution in that way. It’s about claiming space and helping to make your outer reality reflect your inner reality.”

Giannasio’s firm is based in Hawaii Kai, but her two projects shown here are examples of her work outside of Oahu. In one project, a client from Hawaii worked with Giannasio to design a new home in Washington, D.C. The farmhouse-style abode by architect Carmel Greer of District Design is breathtaking, with Giannasio’s curation of dark and light finishes and interplays of proportion and scale creating interiors that are both sophisticated and whimsical. Another home in Kihei, Maui, features Giannasio’s witty selections of textures and prints that add life and uniqueness to its spaces.

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Interior designer Breeze Giannasio

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Breeze Giannasio worked with a client from Hawaii to design this new farmhouse-style home in Washington, D.C. Elevated textures and personalized art anchor the bedroom space.

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Neutrals can also play a key role in bold design, says Giannasio. Striking monochromatic contrasts shine in this kitchen.

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Giannasio explains that understanding a homeowner’s lifestyle and routines is key to designing functional aesthetics.

“It’s really all about tapping into the personal narrative of our clients,” she says. “I’m often pushing people out of their comfort zones and introducing new ideas they might not have considered before. Things might make them a little nervous, but when they see it all come together, the dream we’ve envisioned together becomes much bigger.”

Understanding what truly inspires a client, beyond merely discussing photos of other homes they admire, is where the journey to bold design starts. Design “should not be a cookie-cutter experience,” says Giannasio. Ideas for your home can be sparked by nuances in your favorite fashion muses, music videos, advertising images and more.

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The kids’ rooms in this Kihei, Maui, home are full of life and energy with playful prints and colors.

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Graphic wallpapers, accessories, and flowers are great starting points for experimenting with bold design, notes Giannasio.

“I want to know about your favorite hotel, your favorite art gallery, your favorite outfit,” she says. “There’s going to be an act of translation [to home design], but that’s a really good starting point. What inspires those feelings of like, love, and admiration?”

Having a professional interior designer guide you through this process can be very helpful, she says. But if you’d like to start experimenting with bold ideas on your own, begin with paint, accessories, wallcoverings and flowers. Mix finishes and surfaces in high-gloss and matte. And add an element of surprise by decking out your ceiling with color or décor, too.

Going bold “means taking a risk,” she says. “But the universe rewards bravery.”


Editor’s Note: This article has been slightly modified from the original print version for optimal online reading. To view the full print story, pick up your copy of Hawaii Home + Remodeling at one of our partner locations.

Categories: From Our Magazine, Interior Design