2023 Readers’ Choice Awards Voting is Open

Be our selections specialists and support your favorite businesses.
2023 Readers’ Choice Awards

Join us in honoring the best of the best in our local home and building industries!

Hawaii Home + Remodeling has provided inspiration and resources for Island homeowners for more than four decades. Now, we turn to you, our readers, to celebrate your favorite companies, contractors, shops and more. Vote in our 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards today!

The voting period ends on March 15, 2023. If you don’t see your favorite businesses listed, write them in. The winners of our Readers’ Choice Awards will be announced in our June/July 2023 issue.

Submit a valid ballot by voting in at least five categories, and you’ll be automatically entered to win one of (2) Hardware Hawaii gift cards valued at $250 each.

We’re excited to debut a new online ballot platform that makes submitting your votes quick, easy and fun. To send in your vote, select or write in the company of your choice and click on the “Vote” button. A green check (✅) should appear on your selected company after you click “Vote” — this confirms that your submission has been received. You don’t have to go through the whole ballot to submit your votes — they are counted as you make your selection in each category and hit the “Vote” button. You can only vote once a day in each category. Mahalo for participating!

Click Here To Vote


Categories: Digital Exclusive, Readers’ Choice Awards