Sunny Side Up

Upkeep your solar panels with these tips.
Kapili Solar Roofing
Photo: Courtesy of Kapili Solar Roofing

Adding a solar energy system to your home is a win for you and your family. Whether you’ve just installed it or had it for years, it’s important to maintain your solar panels for maximum benefits.

Brennan Leong of Kapili Solar Roofing suggests scheduling regular checkups to remove debris and algae buildup, as well as periodic solar and roofing inspections “to ensure everything is in good working condition.”

Leong and his team offer these three tips for keeping your solar panels in good shape:

  1. Set up remote monitoring for your system, if available. This feature will let you know if a panel is powered up, how much energy your system is producing and if your system requires attention.
  2. Do a periodic cleaning of the system. Streaking will occur over time, and making sure all modules are free of debris will help optimize power production.
  3. If you have a rack-mounted system, have your roof penetrations inspected with the rest of your roof. After heavy storms, Kapili Solar Roofing clients often report solar penetrations that have failed due to cracked caulking, improper flashing or other similar issues.

Solar panels or roofing installed by Kapili Solar Roofing automatically come with remote monitoring. If a component goes out, a crew will be there to help facilitate the required fixes and other services. “We offer soft-washing for exterior walls, sidewalk and driveway surfaces, rooftop and panels,” says Leong. The company also offers roof maintenance packages to help keep roofs in top shape.

Additionally, Kapili Solar Roofing offers solar shingles, roof-integrated solar, traditional rooftop solar and solar hot water systems in partnership with its contracting teams.

Categories: Cleaning, Home Improvement