5 Ways to Create a Stronger, Greener Landscape Design

It’s time to lay down the lawn.
lawn maintenance
Photo: David Croxford; Illustrations: Getty Images

As an extension of your home, your lawn and landscape deserves the same care and attention. A thriving outdoor space starts with regular upkeep. Steve Dewald of Steve’s Gardening Service shares how you can achieve a healthy lawn.

lawn maintenance

Blades of Glory

Constant, continued maintenance is essential when it comes to your lawn. By keeping up with it on a regular basis, you will not only have healthier grass, but also fewer weeds, shares Dewald.

lawn maintenance

Nutrient Rich

“Your soil should be augmented yearly to help with nutrition for the plants,” says Dewald. “This could be a combination of mulch and fertilizer.” He says to think of mulch organic material as the food for your plants and the fertilizer as the vitamin that fills in the missing nutrients.

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Time to Hydrate

Water should be checked and adjusted for the current season, recommends Dewald. “Overwatering can be just as damaging as not enough water” and along with standing water can cause issues like fungus and mosquito infestation.

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Firmly Planted

Improper planting can damage both your yard and house. It’s important to know how large that little plant you purchased will grow over time. It’s also crucial to plant in the correct area in terms of shade, sun and even salt tolerance, says Dewald.

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Inspect the Irrigation System

“Irrigation systems should be inspected monthly just to ensure there are no broken pipes or leaks and also that the nozzles are facing in the correct direction,” says Dewald. “This will not only help in saving water but also keep water off structures and cars, saving additional maintenance in those areas.”

Categories: Cleaning, From Our Magazine, Landscape Design