Put Roofing on Top of Your Winter To-do List

Suggestions for every price point that will keep you covered.
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Photo: Courtesy of HPM Building Supply; David Croxford; Getty Images

With the rainy, windy weather continuing on, take some time to have your roof inspected on a clear day. If you’ve noticed any leakage or missing, damaged shingles, consider replacing your roof altogether. A new roof may be a big investment, but it yields numerous benefits, including a boost in home value and an increase in safety and security.

When choosing the right roof for your home, Shane Makalii of HPM Building Supply shares that homeowners should consider three factors: type of roofing, as some require a check-in with your engineer or architect; requirements — if your home is in a subdivision that has an association; and location — you’ll want a product that can withstand the environment, whether it’s a coastal climate or something else entirely. HPM Building Supply offers many roofing options for you to choose from.

Projects for Every Price Point

$ Zincalume

Zincalume, often referred to as metal or tin roofing, is a very popular choice among homeowners and comes in many profiles and designs, including a large selection of color options and varieties of gloss.

• “Metal roofing panels are usually cut to length as specified for the project. This makes it exceptionally strong against leaks as it doesn’t have horizontal breaks in the panels,” Makalii says.

•  Paint finishes allow for Energy Star ratings, as well as solar reflective index, or SRI, ratings to help keep your home naturally cool.

•  HPM Building Supply offers a 35-year paint finish warranty for projects that are not in coastal conditions. 

Best way to pay: Credit Card, Personal Loan or HELOC

$$ Cedar Shakes and Shingles

$$ The natural look of cedar shakes and shingles make it appealing to many homeowners.

In Hawaii, cedar shakes and shingles reign supreme because of their natural look in a variety of milled finishes, from standard shingles and heavy shakes, to straight edges and fancy cuts.

• The natural aesthetic enhances curb appeal.

• As added benefits, “cedar shakes and shingles are a natural product, environmentally friendly and termite-resistant,” Makalii says.

• The warranty depends on the cedar mill; however, it typically ranges from 30 to 40 years. Additionally, there are CCA preservative treatments and FTX fire retardant treatments.

Best way to pay: Personal Loan or HELOC

$$$ Ceramic Glazed Tiles

$$$ For a high-end roof that’ll last, there’s ceramic glazed tiles available in different profiles and colors.

The ultra-luxurious look and quality of ceramic glazed tile makes it appealing for higher-end homes and for people in search of tile roofs that will last.

• “Ceramic glazed tiles are visually stunning,” says Makalii. The intricate detailing can be customized to your home, which in turn increases the value of your home. 

• Profile and color options abound, and application is similar to concrete tiles.

• Its high warranty duration varies by manufacturer, with some upper tier manufacturers offering 75-year warranties on their tile.

Best way to pay: Personal Loan or HELOC


For all your financing needs, big or small, HawaiiUSA is here to help make those financial dreams come true.”

— Aaron Koichi Clevenger, main branch manager, HawaiiUSA FCU


HawaiiUSA FCU Main Branch
1226 College Walk
Honolulu, HI 96817
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
(808) 534-4300

Categories: Home Improvement