Rest Easy
Curating spaces that rejuvenate your soul.

Home is where the heart is, and it’s also where the mind, body and spirit can find repose after a long day. Color, textiles, spatial arrangements and other home design elements go beyond aesthetic impact — the right combination of personal and finishing touches can have a deep effect on wellness, too. Kauai-based interior designer Christina Higham (below), founder of the Sun Soul Style firm, is working to provide that right combination for clients through her projects on the Garden Isle and beyond. We chatted with her to get her takes on creating “interiors that spark soul.”

Kauai-based interior designer Christina Higham of Sun, Soul, Style.
What does “sparking soul” through home design mean to you?
Most people don’t realize just how much their surroundings influence their inner state until they walk into a well-designed space. “Interiors that spark soul” isn’t necessarily just about designing pretty homes — it’s about unlocking that moment of joy that is unique for each individual. For some, this may mean lots of built-in, closed storage so that clutter is hidden away. For others, it might be a piece of art found on a trip or a really beautiful piece of furniture they saved up for. Coming home and feeling that spark of joy is what I try to achieve for my clients.
What are some of your favorite details in this project?
For every project, I try to pull personal details from my client’s life into our initial design concept. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something obvious — in fact, I love it when it’s a more subtle detail. My client, Sarah, an avid yogi, had an incredible collection of crystals, and the colors of the crystals were somewhat of a jumping-off point for the overall palette of the house. We found a beautiful ceramic lamp by Meredith Metcalf Ceramics for the primary bedroom, as well as a watercolor painting by High Desert Studio that both really play on those tones and feel like they were meant to live together.
How can homeowners create spaces that provide rejuvenation for the soul?
We see “perfect” homes all day on our social media feeds, but what really makes a house feel like a home is its connection to the people who live in it. Take some time to think about the elements in your home that bring you joy. And if there aren’t any, think about homes or spaces you’ve walked into that do bring you joy: What is it about them you love? Is it the colors? Furniture layout? A general energy it exudes?
Think about how you can apply those elements of joy to your own home. Generally, a good place to start is doing a little bit of editing [by] discarding what you don’t need. Then, think about ways you could highlight treasured items, maybe even in unexpected ways. For example, framing a piece of your child’s art in a colorful frame, or maybe reupholstering a piece of furniture that is a family heirloom to make it feel more modern. Once you’ve worked with what you’ve got, you can start investing in pieces over time that you really love, and bring your soul joy every time you walk into a room.
Editor’s Note: This article has been slightly modified from the original print version for optimal online reading. To view the full print story, pick up your copy of Hawaii Home + Remodeling at one of our partner locations.