Frequently Asked Questions About Turfgrass

Hawaiian Turfgrass owner Sean Aukanai‘i Fong answers homeowners’ most common inquiries about turfgrass selections, preparation and installation.
Hawaii Home + Remodeling Hawaiian Turfgrass FAQ (1)
Photos: Courtesy of Hawaiian Turfgrass

During the summer, many Island homeowners invest in cultivating their outdoor living spaces. And with good reason — the additional daylight hours this season make it the perfect time for planting and growing lush yards for families to enjoy.

If you’re considering a new yard with turfgrass, preparation is key. Here, Hawaiian Turfgrass owner Sean Aukanai‘i Fong answers questions that typically arise in the early stages of planning, and offers helpful guidance for homeowners as they make those initial decisions.

How is sod sold and can it be shipped to Neighbor Islands?
Hawaiian Turfgrass sells most of its sod varieties in 16-inch x 24-inch pieces, which can be shipped for home delivery anywhere in Hawaii or picked up at its Mililani farm.

“Customers often ask about shipping, which we do state-wide. We primarily ship through Young Brothers’ refrigerated chiller, but we can also ship via cargo or other methods as well,” shares Fong.

Hawaii Home + Remodeling Hawaiian Turfgrass FAQ (2)

How do I know how much sod to purchase for my yard?
Fong and his team provide an online Open Measuring Map to help customers calculate the amount of sod needed for their yards and get an accurate estimate for pricing per square foot. This helpful tool makes it easy for customers to visualize the amount of turfgrass required for their projects and expedite their purchase.

Does Hawaiian Turfgrass do sod installations?
“We are licensed contractors who specialize in grass and sprinkler installations. We dont do maintenance or tree-trimming, but [we do] everything grass-related,” explains Fong.

Hawaiian Turfgrass’ turnkey services include professional assistance with each step of the installation process, from killing weeds and soil preparation to grass-planting and even drainage.

Hawaii Home + Remodeling Hawaiian Turfgrass FAQ (3)

Do I really need to prep my soil before installation?
Although soil preparation can be tedious, Fong insists it pays off tenfold. This includes ensuring all weeds are completely dead before soil prep begins, in order to minimize the chances of weeds returning. Once weeds are dead, soil prep can begin with tilling, leveling and adding soil amendment to create the healthiest environment for your sod to thrive.

What kind of topsoil should I use?
“Topsoil refers to the ‘dirt’ that you add to your yard to fill in any of the low spots and make it level,” notes Fong. “We used to promote compost, but compost settles and breaks down over time, so now we recommend black mason sand because of the drainage.”

He explains that the aeration created by adding sand is ideal for roots and does not compact, resulting in a yard surface that is more even and level. Hawaiian Turfgrass recommends black mason sand that can be purchased at Kiso Store in Waipahu or Ace Pioneer Wahiawa.

Hawaii Home + Remodeling Hawaiian Turfgrass FAQ (10)

What kind of sod should I grow?
The primary factor for proper sod selection is the amount of direct sunlight your yard receives each day. While some customers have specific sod preferences, Fong insists that the success of your turfgrass investment will depend on its environment.

“It’s up to each homeowner to decide whether they want to roll the dice if they prefer one grass over the other,” he says. “But in our opinion, all grasses need five or more hours of direct sunlight a day. Anything under four hours of sunlight is considered shade, so our shade-tolerant Captiva St. Augustine is the best choice for those yards.”

Visit to schedule a preliminary consultation or purchase sod online. Online ordering is available 24/7 for ease and accessibility, with home delivery or grass pickup available at the Hawaiian Turfgrass farm in Mililani. Be sure to mention Hawaii Home + Remodeling to receive a special discount of $600 off installation with purchase.

For additional summertime lawn maintenance tips, check out insights from Hawaiian Turfgrass (License #C-32884) in our July 2024 print story, Sod for the Summer.

Categories: Digital Exclusive, Landscape Design, Outdoor Living, Sponsored Content