Editor’s Notes: June 2024
All the little things.

By the time this issue is in your hands, I will have marked two years as Hawaii Home + Remodeling editor. From not knowing what an I-Joist was on Day 1, to now being able to point readers to the best brands for I-Joists and where to get them locally — I’ve come a long way since I first stepped into this position in June 2022.
Last year was my first time spearheading the Hawaii Home + Remodeling Readers’ Choice Awards. Navigating this cornerstone program with our publisher Cyd Rosa — who came on board in February 2023 and was barely a week into the job when we put the Readers’ Choice ballot together — was a fun challenge. I’m grateful that Cyd shares a mutual understanding of what the Readers’ Choice Awards mean to the companies we honor. It’s a small thing that can provide a big boost in morale, and it helps companies reach more customers, which in turn, keeps local jobs thriving.
That said, we’ve upped our game for the 2024 Readers’ Choice Awards. We’ve increased the number of categories from 44 to 71, and we’re spotlighting the winner and two finalists within each. Our goal is to expand the Readers’ Choice Awards to show the diversity, quality and talent in Hawaii’s home and building industry. Stay tuned for what’s next!
Speaking of upping our game, it’s fitting that we start the summer with some fresh perspectives from All Things New. The ATN crew has been constructing beautiful bespoke residences and brewing up new ways to elevate what “home in Hawaii” can be. Sourcing exquisite materials, designing with intention and executing projects with a clear focus — ATN inspires me to pay attention to fine details in my own projects.
“The little things are big things.” I’m watching an NBA playoff game as I type this piece, and that’s what basketball Hall of Famer turned TV commentator Reggie Miller just said. And he’s right. It’s humbling and gratifying for me to look back over the last two years and see how each person I’ve met, each bit of knowledge I’ve gained, and each issue our team has put together, has changed me as a person and helped to move Hawaii Home + Remodeling into a new era. Cheers to all the little things that matter, and to all things new ahead.
Darlene Dela Cruz, Editor