7 Reusable Food Wrap Alternatives for Your Kitchen Found Locally

These eco-conscious wraps are beautiful and resourceful.
Photo: Aaron K. Yoshino

We all know plastic is not fantastic. Finding solutions for eliminating single-use products in your kitchen is one way to help Mother Earth. Thankfully, smart and savvy local makers have you, and your dishes, covered. Reusable beeswax food wraps from Foodland, Meli Wraps and Bee’s Cotton Wrap come in three sizes and keep everything from lemons to watermelons fresh in the fridge. Admittedly, we also buy these wraps for their charming island-inspired prints that remind us to bee happy while being resourceful.


From top:

  • Garden Island wraps, small and medium set, $20, from Bee’s Cotton Wrap, beescottonwrap.com.
  • Bloom wraps, $24, from Meli Wraps, available at Whole Foods Market Queen.
  • Maikai reusable beeswax food wraps in opihi, coral and protea, $18 for pack of three, from Foodland Hawaii.
  • Kohala Girls large wrap, $20, from Bee’s Cotton Wrap.
Categories: Kitchen, Shopping, Sustainability