2021 Readers’ Choice Awards: Solar

RevoluSun is the winner of our 2021 Readers’ Choice Awards.
readers choice awards 2021 revolusun
Photo: Courtesy of RevoluSun

As Hawaii’s trusted solar provider, RevoluSun has been committed to a future of renewable energy. The locally owned company offers everything from energy-efficient home technology to photovoltaic systems and battery storage. RevoluSun has a team of more than 20 smart-home specialists to assist you in your solar home improvement plans.  

Did You Know? 

RevoluSun has installed more than 325,000 solar panels since opening 12 years ago. 

RevoluSun; 660 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 220A, Honolulu, Oahu; (808) 748-8888; revolusun.com 

Categories: Readers’ Choice Awards